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- No Lamers please! By Mark Crosby at MegaSoft
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Hello and welcome to another edition of `No lamers please`! This month
- we have in the studio a 286AT owner! And guess what - Hes a lamer!
- "Hello Mr. Lamer!"
- "Hello Mark!"
- (Now lets piss off the 286 owner by showing him some of the latest PD
- software out for the Amiga! First, lets ask him a few very simple
- questions!)
- "Mr. Lamer, What is you favorate computer?"
- "An Intel 486 connected to a nimbus network! My school has one of them
- and I think they are great!"
- "You do know that the nimbus network has a very slow method of file
- transfer and that if you connect a 486 up to a network like the nimbus
- you will not see any improvement from your 286, dont you?"
- (The 286 owner looks at me as so he has just done a shit in his pants -
- you know! Big eyes and mouth droped open!)
- "Err, Mark? Why do you keep calling me a Lamer?"
- "Because thats what PC owners are called! It means expert." (Ha!)
- "Now Mr. Lamer, Lets see your Windows thing then."
- (He promptly resets his 286 and loads up this crap interface called
- Windows 3!)
- "Mr. Lamer, can you show me a ham picture on the back ground please?"
- "Whats a Ham picture?"
- "Sorry, I mean a picture with up to 16 million colours in."
- (We now see the Lamer enter MSDOS (Crap or what!?) and go into a file
- called AUTOEXE.BAT (What?! All in capitals?!!?) He now looks a blank.)
- "Sorry Mark. Its impossible!"
- (It's pissing off time!!!)
- "Can you display pictures on the background at all with just the basic
- Windows?"
- "No Mark. Im sorry for not getting an Amiga, Im so sorry." (Crying! Ha!)
- "Now Mr. Lamer. Lets show you some Amiga PD from my PD library (Mega PD!)"
- (I show him "Jesus on E`s" , "State of the art" , "The Lawnmower man")
- "Did you know Mr. Lamer that the PC can only have around 640K base memory
- and then a very shoddy upper memory, etc?"
- "Also Mr. Lamer, the Amiga can have 2 megabytes of base (Chip) memory as
- standard!"
- "Amiga Computing said that it was The great British rip-off!"
- "The PC can not load programs that are more than 640K in size! How about
- all those cards you need! You need a card to use the Joystick and mouse!
- 3D Design studio costs 300 pounds for the Amiga, but it costs 2000 pounds
- for the PC! I bet you cant save your data onto video! (See ZAM Issue 3)"
- "The Motorala cpu gos up to a 68060 now! The 68060 is basicly a 128-bit
- Amiga (Higher then the 086, 186, 286, 386, 486, 586 (When invented) and
- the 686 (When invented!)"
- "The Amiga 1200 can be expanded up to 32 megabytes! A 386 can only be
- expanded up to 16 megabytes! (Lee: What a load of crap!)"
- (Ere! Lee! Get out of my article! Go and write your own! Sorry Mark!)
- "So Mr. Lamer! What are you going to do about that then?"
- "No Mr. Lamer! Dont get that sledge hammer anywhere near mr LKlnlNLKL
- spdofkspokf03-40==tyg\gfhppfijtyujytpjlglgsdls KJLDSKGslklklkdsjglkksKJ
- DSKGKLFGJJKDKJLGSLKJLKKDGkkkdfglkdkkfkgkjk'fdjfak'lkK'KJFDKGJDKKJdkkjlk!
- There will now be a short delay where Mark kills the PC by formating its
- hard drive and buys a new Amiga...
- ...Amiga workbench version 3.0 loading
- ...Double click on U-Edit. Loading...
- "Hello everyone! Sorry about that! The sledge hammer got very near to my
- Amiga. Infact it hit it a few times!!! Anyway I now have a new A1200 and
- will be seeing you next month!"
- 1993/1994 MegaSoft / Zircon Amiga Magazine